A Letter

This letter is for the cockroaches living in my car right now.

Hello immigrants,

How are you? Good I believe, since I saw some of you little ones running happily on my carpet. I would just like to inform you that dooms day is coming. And it's coming soon.

Yes, Mr. Killyouall is going to be knocking on your door pretty soon. You probably won't even know it's time. You'll be busy foraging for little bits of food and BAM! you're dead. You can't run from your destiny. You can try, but you're all going to be thrown into a no-mercy war zone soon and unfortunately for you, you're on the losing side. Don't even bother packing your bags and leaving, I'll get you even if you infest my neighbour's car. Passing your cookie-crumb inheritance to your young ones is a bad idea too. They'd be faced up alongside your entire clan.

Thank you for your time spent in my car. I hope you have a pleasant night's rest.


Your worst nightmare.