Talking Elevators

You know those "talking" lifts? Those that go "5th level...Doors are closing" and so on?

I was taking one of those lifts yesterday and it just got me thinking. Maybe I'll just type out the sequence of incidents and you people see what you think before I say anything about it.

Entered lift.
Hit button 6 for 6th floor.
As the doors were closing it said "Doors are closing"
As it began it's elevation it said "Going up"
As it arrived on the 6th floor it said "6th floor"
As the doors were opening it said "Doors are opening"
(yes this one was talkative...and there was this strange echo to it which made it a lil' freaky)

So anything strange?

Anyone ever wondered why there was a need for the lift to talk? was this for the blind (though the buttons were not catered for them)? To me, this specific lift that I was on, had no purpose in most of its announcements. Why you ask? Because:

1) It should tell you that the ride was going up before it actually went up so people would say "Ahhh... this one's going up. I'm on the wrong one. My goodness, must have been too busy reading the newspapers. Let me out before the doors close." If not, it's just rubbing salt into your wound. "Going up" and you're like "what? darn it! I meant to go down! now i'm stuck here til it hits 20 and back."

2) It should also start its "Doors are closing" announcement before the doors begin movement. By the time the announcement is almost done, the doors are already at crush-your-hand status.