Thank You Lord!

Yup, big thanks to the BIG GUY...

I had an amazing night tonight. To cut the long story short, My brother and I actually got ourselves into the Paddock at the Singapore Formula One Grand Prix. I won't tell the entire story here so that people won't steal my plan and make it hard for me to do it again.

We spoke to engineers, got up close with the cars and parts, met up with most of the drivers, took pictures with them, sat around like lazy billionaires and just soaked up the atmosphere. It was truly an incredible night.

I remember praying "Lord grant us favour tonight. Incredible favour, because only You can..."


Visit to the hairdresser

Hairdresser's Assistant: "Sir, what would you like to drink?"
Me: "What do you have?"
Hairdresser's Assistant: "Tea."
Me: "Just tea?"
Hairdresser's Assistant: "Yes."
Me: "ok then."

In my mind I was already teaching him to rephrase his initial question to "Sir, would you like some tea."

I also realised that hairdressers love to talk to you while they're blow drying your hair. When it's peace and quiet with little snips of the scissors, they're usually mute. When the warm and strong air from the blow dryer is in your ear creating an internal heavy metal band, they start to speak to you ever so gently.

Hairdresser: "Ar ...th...cr...in...bat...no?
Me: "er.... ya."
Hairdresser: "Hahaha.....cot...you...tis...bel...fri..!"
Me: "er.. hahaha...ya"

I have no idea whether I have just agreed to go on a date with him or if he's telling me he cut off a large chunk of my hair by accident.


Don't waste your time.

Malaysia has announced that some of its recipes have been hijacked and is now claiming certain dishes (food) as theirs. Dishes such as Chilli Crab, Hainanese Chicken Rice and Nasi Lemak are all Malaysian dishes.

To me, this is just rather childish and they're really just targetting Singapore because many (even Malaysians) have called Singapore - "Food Haven".

To M'sian Tourism Min. Ng Yen Ye:

Hi, how are you? I just want to say that whatever you're doing won't change a thing. Italians have their Pasta, but the Japanese made it their own as well - Waraku's Japanese Pasta. And they're all available here. Tourists won't change their minds and go to Malaysia instead of Singapore because they think "Oh, wait a minute, it's Malaysia that came up with Nasi Lemak! I should travel there instead!" In my opinion, with the variety and quality of food we have here in Singapore, claiming certain recipes as yours won't really change a thing.

Please use your efforts, time and money in a more rewarding way.


That's a lot of cash for one man.

Yahoo! Singapore posted this picture of Ng Teng Fong today for an article on Singapore's wealthiest people. He happens to be ranked up there on the number 1 spot with a chunk of cash that's enough to buy 56 billion Japanese Rice Crackers worth S$1 each. Yes that's a very long way of saying he has S$56 billion.

But this picture truly shows that money is not everything. Richest man in Singapore looks to me like he's rather poor on happiness. And I checked some of his other pictures online and he seemed the same or, in some, forcing a smile.

So guys, don't let money be the goal in life. (I'm not saying that that's his goal in life)
Get something Joyful, something Eternal, something Special, something Unshakeable, something Sovereign.

Ps. I had a great birthday outing with Wendy. We tried mini-golf and it was surprisingly fun thrashing those little kids. We had a lovely dinner and the talk was just wonderful as usual. We headed to the arcade and challenged each other on the Xbox 360. We then went undercover and spied on some people (not in a bad way), then we had soya beancurd for supper and again had a nice chat. In my previous post I was wondering what good would fall into my lap... I should've noticed the geat gift that was already with me. Let the cash continue to go to people like Ng Teng Fong, let rust continue to invade the LP640 and let Robert Pattison continue with his acting... I've got Wendy.



That's today's date. 090909. Cool. And it's way cooler because it happens to be my birthday.

Those born on 08/08/08, you had your day, today's mine. I wonder what good things will happen today. Will a huge load of money fall into my lap? Will someone driving a Lamborghini LP640 hand me his keys? Will Robert Pattinson quit acting?

Well, I'll just wait and see and keep you guys updated.

Till then, Happy Birthday to me.